+39 366 2734292
If you arrive in the evening, or at 5.00 pm, check the TASTING MENUS that we can offer you and let yourself be pampered by CHEF PIA in our HOME RESTAURANT ( reservations are required at least 24h in advance )
In order to guarantee a quality service, HomEitaly, for lunch, dinner and / or Happy Hour, requires reservations for a minimum of 2 people e with the same type of menu. Each reservation must be received no later than 24 hours before the service, to allow us to use local products at Km "0" available in the Civitavecchia Historical Market, only in the morning. Reservations must be received either through our website or via whatsapp at n. +39 3662734292. It is mandatory to provide a credit card to guarantee the reservation. Dinner is served until 22.00.